Friday, January 1, 2010

January Monthly Horoscopes - Integrating into the Spirit of 2010

January 2010 Monthly Horoscopes by Soulistic Shirley

Happy New Year! With each day and sunrise, we automatically begin a new day and a new journey . In the Western calendar, January is numerically defined as “1”. In numerology, “1” represents leadership, strength, unity and initiative. Our collective minds empower January as a month of new beginnings. We feel motivated in January, ready to set and reach goals and with a sense of regeneration. It is quite amazing that what we may have thought as impossible in August, we believe that we can do successfully in January.

This is a very strong beat to march into the New Year with. 2010 is a Universal “3” year. In numerology “3” represents fruition and creativity. While “1” is energetically leadership, beginnings and masculine energy, “2” is partnership, commitment and feminine energy. “1” and “2” create “3”; “3” represents the balanced creation of the masculine and feminine energies. The seeds that you have planted in 2008, and devoted yourself to in 2009 have the power to grow and manifest into the physical world in 2010. Are you ready?

Capricorn: This New Year, you start with Mercury retrograding in your first house governing your personality, outlook on life, and new appearances, and a full moon in your 7th house of relationships and marriage. There is a strong sensation between your obligations to yourself and to others right now. You may feel that the two are in opposition to one another and conflicting. In truth, your duties and feelings to others are simply a reflection of how you are relating to yourself. The way we treat ourself is the way that we treat others. When you serve yourself, you may notice that it affects your ability to serve others. Nurture yourself and be kind to yourself. This is a strong time in your partnerships and relationships. With the moon in your 7th house, you are feeling strongly connected to others. Do not deny your feelings or instincts, attraction may run very deep and you may feel more impulsive than usual. Embrace our instinct and connection to others.

Aquarius: You start 2010 with the Moon in your 6th house. This may in fact be a month and a year that is calling for service from you. The Universe is calling for your beautiful, humane Aquarian nature to rise, come forth and share that nature with all of humanity. When you bring that spirit of humanity and care into your workplace this month, you may notice that you start a chain reaction. Others are interested in what you have to share. This month, it ma seem hard to organize yourself. You have Mercury retrograding through your 12th house at the beginning of the month which may be causing unusual dreams and thoughts. Observe these thoughts and dreams and allow them to teach you, they are nothing more than that which they are. But they do have lessons to teach you in your journey.
Pisces: As mentioned earlier, 2010 is a year of creativity and fusion. It is a year of fruition and birth. With the Full Moon in your 5th house at the dawn of this New Year, you can no longer wait to express yourself. With each beginning, naturally there comes an end. Birth and death are party of the same cycle, and are one in itself. What is holding you back from expressing yourself has to come to an end in order for this creative birth to come forth. There is no need to hold on to what has felt “safe” in the past. Your creativity is how your soul has been desiring to express itself. Spend some time meditating at from your sacral chakra at the top of your rib cage to tap into the power to transform.
Aries: The New Year for you may be calling attention to the concept of home. Maybe you have relocated, maybe you are waiting to relocate, or maybe you are feeling called to move. With the start of 2010 in Mercury retrograde, most likely this move has not yet physically taken place. There is a reason for this. As you grow closer to your new home, you are at an crossroad in your life. This new home that awaits you is a symbol of the new chapter that follows in your personal life. What do you want this new home to be like? What do you want this new chapter to be like? It is time to be very clear about what you will put in this new home. This is a wonderful gift. You get to create exactly the home and life that you want. In order to do this in the best way, it is best to release what you are carrying with you. Allow yourself to truly start over, and begin this new chapter with a clean slate.

Taurus: Happy New Year Taurus. Today I had the pleasure of observing a real bull grazing in a pasture. I could not turn away from this beautiful bull. Its coat was a shiny dark black, and while it was physically large, its energy was so calm and steady. This month, you may not be feeling as calm and steady as feels comfortable for you. You may be feeling a bit scattered and with a lot on your mind. January begins with a Full Moon in your 3rd house – the house of communication. It may feel like there is so much going on that you can barely focus, or that your mind is always changing. And in fact this is the process of life – ideas change, minds change, and people change. It is okay for you to change, for that is the cycle of life. You are still calm and steady even amidst change, rapid thought and confusion.

Gemini: I have always admired every Gemini that I know for their unique and alluring personality. Gemini, symbolized by twins in astrology, is a sign of duality. Geminis often gracefully depict both sides of a coin. They are charismatic and opinionated, quiet and talkative. This month the Full Moon shines in your 2nd house at the start of January. I want to encourage you to dig deep this month in your self esteem. What is holding you back from leaping from the past into the present? What is keeping you at the job that you hate? You have the power to do any and everything that you wish, but you must believe that. While self esteem is not a simple area to explore, it is often the area that must be explored in order to reach full success, are you ready?
Cancer: Relationships and communication within they might just be at the center of your attention at the start of this month. With Mercury retrograding through your 7th house, it just might seem that no one is hearing you. Rest assured, it just seems that way, but everyone is hearing you loud and clear, but are you hearing yourself? Do you know what you are saying and why you are saying it? It is often easy to speak, but not remember what we say. At the beginning of this New Year, I suggest some quiet time and time for you to reflect on what you want and how to communicate what you want. This quiet time will also allow you to listen and understand others more optimally. The moon is in your first house at the start of January, let this serve you as you become in tune with your instinct. Instinct will never lead you wrong.

Leo: This year is starting off almost in a dream like state. With the moon in your 12th house at the start of 2010, things seem surreal and perhaps your astral body may be very active. You may be currently experiencing many strong and vivid dreams, or just be very in tune with the messages that your body is giving you. This is such a gift and I encourage you to act upon this. Bring this into the New Year, and make listening to your body and exercising your subtle body apart of your everyday life (if it is not apart already). Enjoy some vacation time away from work this month. With Mercury retrograding through your work house, there may be a hard time getting things done at work, so you as might as well take some time for yourself. Everything will be worked out regardless.

Virgo: It’s time for you make your mark in 2010. Society and your communities are ready for your leadership and unique approach. Your friends are supportive of you and want to expose you to everyone that they know. There is a link between your creativity/art and your community. Your art is expression, and it is also activism (whether you are aware of not). The more your create and express yourself, the more you inspire others and are inspired to create change. This month, Mercury is retrograding through your 5th house – house of creativity and creation. Maybe you feel stuck or maybe you feel inclined to create in a brand new way that you have never done before. Either way, keep creating and do not lose your confidence.
Libra: It seems like each month I’ve written in 2009 about Libras, it has had something to do with work and service. 2010 starts with a Full Moon in your 10th house, house of vocation and profession. So this may be on your mind at the beginning of the New Year. You may be thinking about your “next step” and be a bit anxious about when it is coming and how you are going to get there? This month, approach this topic in the reverse way. Instead of thinking about “how”, just think about “what”. What makes you happy? What do you want to spend everyday doing? What do want to spend everyday doing and making a great living out of? Once you are clear about this, it will present itself to you.
Scorpio: Scorpio is ruled by the planet, Pluto. Pluto is the planet of transformation and generation. So sometimes it may seem that transformation can be so natural and easy for you, and other times it may feel so challenging to you. With the moon in your 9th house, you are beginning to explore new topics of philosophy, religion and other schools of thought this year. When you begin to dive into these new studies, it may bring you to new places both my physical and intellectual travel. As you continue to study and explore these new areas, you may start identifying less with some of the areas in your life that you have previously identified very closely with. This may seem to turn your life upside down in a rapid and uncomfortable way, but it is really helping you to dive further into your ability to embrace change and be one with it.

Sagittarius: With the moon in your 8th house of regeneration at the start of this month, it is time to examine some emotions that you may be hiding from others and from yourself. It can be easy sometimes to get distracted with so many parts of life – work, daily routine, and our surrounding environment, that we put our feelings aside and allow the distractions to take the front stage in order to mask the feelings. Well the beginning of January is giving you the opportunity to deal with these feelings and confront them. What you are keeping bottled inside (and perhaps you are not even aware that it is bottled inside) is going to surface, and the quicker you deal with it, the quicker it will leave your system.

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