Friday, July 23, 2010

Your weekend Love Horoscopes @SatoriNation: horoscopes dating

Weekend Love Horoscopes ~ July 23 to 25, 2010

ARIES ~ It's a full moon in your house of friendships this weekend. There's nothing like a get together with friends that validates or sometimes help clarify your own journey -- may they be old, new, yours or inherited from an ex-lover or ex-friend. So, throw a little shindig or grab your sweetie and meet the gang at the old hangout. On Sunday, feel free to reconnect with an old, once dear friend, that remains close to your heart. I'm sure he/she will be thinking of you as well :)

TAURUS ~ You can be too practical for your own good, sometimes. It's difficult to get past what you know as truth, what's been proven as real. There is though something brewing now, deep in your subconscious. It's both unnerving (to your pragmatic side) and exciting (to your curious side). Don't fear it. Don't fret about it. Let it unfold on its own. Whatever energy you're tempted to give to it, channel that towards the object of your affection. He/she might just reward you generously for your attention and affection :)

GEMINI ~ Saturn's back. Cruising around your house of love. Lingering for two years. Yowza! Gone are the romantic notions of what love or a relationship is. Soon, Saturn gets real about what relationships should be built upon and how they need nurturing. This weekend, the Aquarius-Moon opposes the Leo-Sun for a full moon, illuminates your mental/communication houses. Expand your mind. Be open to receive and learn. Start with your sweetie. What does he/she have to say? Are you really listening? Be a true communicator. Listen. Reply. Repeat.

CANCER ~ ouch! This weekend's full moon hits you right where it makes you waaaaaaay too uncomfortable … in your house of endings, purging and transformation. Cancerians have been stereotyped as the natural hoarders of the zodiac -- maybe not in the material sense, but the emotional sense. Time to get rid of that emotional baggage you've been lugging around. Imagine how much lighter and enjoyable your days with your honey could be if you didn't have all that weight on your shoulders. Do more. Be more. Hey, your bad back might even get miraculously cured!

LEO ~ Happy birthday, Leos. It's the first weekend with the Sun in your sign! Already, the Moon grows full in your opposite sign. It's a reminder that life and love are to be shared. Coupled Leos, celebrate the weekend showering the object of your affection with the warmth of your undivided attention and devotion. Single Leos, the Aquarius-Moon honors friendships and associations so, be merry with your best mates under the bright light of this full moon.

VIRGO ~ Saturn has left your sign. Yey! What have you learned? Part of what he tried to teach you is living a lifestyle that promotes good health and wellbeing. Was he successful? The full moon this weekend supports Saturn's change of focus (now that he's in Libra, his focus is relationships) and brings closure in your house of health and daily routine. If you haven't already begun, make strides toward it now. Recruit your loved one for support. Exercise together. Eat well together. Have more energy for each other. Be more connected in the process. Live longer together.

LIBRA ~ Saturn's recent return for an extended stay in your sign is a bit of bummer. Fortunately, the full moon in your house of love offers a good omen that whatever needs to happen will happen and, in the long run, fosters a necessary change that results in an improved quality of life and well being. Until then, though, embrace this weekend's full moon and count your blessings; there are more than you might have originally imagined. Get some quality time in with your sweetie and maybe even take a look at him/her from a new set of eyes. Be filled with wonder.

SCORPIO ~ A long standing family drama comes to a close. Have I said that before? Hmm... well, I really mean it this time. This drama has taken so much of your time, energy and have taken you for an emotional roller coaster. Give it no more thought. It is done. It is finished. Focus instead on what you may have been missing out on because you've been too busy distracted. Reconnect and spend some quality time with your special someone. If single, then pamper yourself with a spa treatment or a little daycation.

SAGITTARIUS ~ “Free your mind and the rest will follow.” The full moon illuminates your house of thought, just as Saturn gets settled in the relationships sign. There are no real rules in matters of the heart. The dynamic of each relationship differs from one from another. What's unconventional to someone is the norm for someone else. What matters, I suppose, is that love itself remains between the two parties involved. Be open to however your existing relationship is evolving. Cherish your connection and embrace whatever may be changing. Who says love isn't flexible?

CAPRICORN ~ You plan. You anticipate possible outcomes or pitfalls. Always focused. Determined. There are, however, no way to plan for curve balls life throws at you. All you can do is duck and dodge which is difficult because you're a doer. Things are changing. Sometimes, it seems too slow to notice and other times, too quick and you wonder how you didn't see it coming. Keeping all of this to yourself may have left your loved one feeling like he/she no longer belongs in your world. Sharing is caring, right? Share your thoughts, even your fears. You are stronger together.

AQUARIUS ~ The Full Moon in your sign begs for you to take a long, realistic look at yourself and what your innermost desires are. The coming months offer chances to make a go of things. Whether or not your deepest wishes involve your partner, consider sharing your thoughts/plans with him/her, lest you appear distant or withdrawn. Keep a cool head this weekend. Let your heart rise and fall with emotion, but keep your reactions/interactions objective and logical.

PISCES ~ Quiet and relaxing may be just what's necessary to get you back on track. Spend lazy afternoons on the couch with your sweetie. Stay in and enjoy home-cooked meals, over candlelight and conversation. Things may have been fuzzy lately or maybe you've felt like you've just been moving slowly through a fog. Well, this full moon illuminates your subconscious house so clarity is coming. You'll be surprised, though, that the answer you seek is something you've known all along. All you've needed to do is accept it and work with it.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Shattering Subconscious Isolation - Inception, Lucid Dreaming and the Collective Unconscious

The upcoming sci-fi movie thriller by Christopher Nolan, Inception, raises many fascinating questions that experienced lucid dreamers (those who become consciously aware of dreaming while in the dream state) have wrestled with for decades:
- If you become consciously aware of dreaming, can you lucidly enter another's dream, or bring them into your dream?
- If they share unknown information with you, would this provide evidence for a shared or mutual dream?
- And if that information proves to be valid, what does that say about the nature of reality?
- Do dreaming minds have access to an individual or collective unconscious where they share information?
The plot of Inception portrays a talented lucid dreamer, who brings unsuspecting dreamers into a mutual dream environment and then "extracts" information from his or her subconscious. The lucid dreamers in Inception rely on a special machine, PASIV and a special drug, Somnacin, to achieve a stable lucid dream realm and enact their underhanded (or under-minded) deeds.
Inception's basic premise resonates with many experienced lucid dreamers who have empirically investigated these questions of gathering information and interacting in an apparent shared or mutual dream. Though complex, the simple answer to the above questions appears to be "Yes. Lucid dreamers have provided numerous instances of acquiring unknown information while consciously aware in the dream state."
In the movie's dialogue, Cobb (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) explains the three stage approach to ensnaring another's subconscious information while lucid dreaming. "We create the world of the dream," Cobb tells his understudy. After creating a stable lucid dream, "We bring the subject into the dream." Next comes the finale, "And they fill it with their secrets."
Nolan's cinematic version of shared dreaming offers a glimpse of what actually happens, according to some experienced lucid dreamers, possibly because Nolan appears familiar with lucid dreams. In an April 4, 10 LA Times interview with Geoff Boucher, Nolan comments on the reality of the lucid dream state.
"You can look around and examine the details and pick up a handful of sand on the beach," Nolan said. "I never particularly found a limit to that; that is to say, that while in that state your brain can fill in all that reality." As to the plot of Inception, he adds, "I tried to work that idea of manipulation and management of a conscious dream being a skill that these people have. Really the script is based on those common, very basic experiences and concepts, and where can those take you? And the only outlandish idea that the film presents, really, is the existence of a technology that allows you to enter and share the same dream as someone else."
Nolan correctly observes that nothing keeps a lucid dreamer from trying to interact with other dreamers in the dream state, and obtain information. In fact, many lucid dreamers have tried this, and some achieved stunning results. Let me share a few examples from my book, Lucid Dreaming: Gateway to the Inner Self, in which lucid dreamers "extract" secret information while consciously aware in the dream state.
A talented lucid dreamer and university student, Ian Koslow, wrote me in 2006 to ask if I truly believed a lucid dreamer could obtain verifiable, unknown information when lucid dreaming? I suggested that he should devise an experiment that will prove or disprove the ability to get unknown, verifiable information in the lucid dream state -- and then try it in his next lucid dream.
A month later, Ian surprised me by submitting a lucid dream in which he did just that. He writes, "I was talking to a girl in my dorm about lucid dreaming, and we were discussing whether or not the people you see in the dream are actually real, or just imaginations. To test this out, we decided to do a little experiment."
The young woman told Ian that she had "an awkward looking freckle" on her back, and she invited Ian to locate her strange freckle in the lucid dream state. Within a week, Ian had two lucid dreams, and recalled the task. In the first lucid dream, he could not make it to her room due to distracting dream figures. But in the second lucid dream, he consciously requested that the woman come to him, and suddenly she entered his room. He recalls, "I finally found her in my lucid dream and searched her back until I saw a dark freckle on her lower back, dead center, right above her ass. I remember thinking during the lucid dream that there was no way this could be the right spot, because I thought I remembered her hinting to me that it was on the side of her back."
Waking with this lucidly sought information, he went down to her dorm room and told her of his discovery. "I went up to her back and pointed my finger at the spot that I saw it in the dream, and to both of our surprise, she lifted up her shirt and my finger was directly covering her freckle. Now, I have no idea what this means, but I don't think it's just a coincidence that I happened to guess exactly where the lone freckle on her back was. All I could think is that the power of lucid dreaming might be more then I imagined."
Notice how the freckle doesn't appear on the side of her back where he thought she hinted it might be; instead, he found it deep down on her lower center back. Notice, too, how in the lucid dream he thinks, "there was no way this could be the right spot" because it runs counter to the suspected hint that he already considered. Thankfully, when he visits the young woman, he points to the exact place indicated in his lucid dream. He follows the lucid dream information faithfully. (pg 177-8)
Another talented lucid dreamer, Clare Johnson, consciously sought telepathic information while competing in the annual Dream Telepathy Contest conducted at the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) conference. This educational event is an outgrowth of the scientific investigation into dream telepathy, conducted by Montague Ullman, MD, Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., and Alan Vaughan in the 1960's and ‘70's. Their book, Dream Telepathy: Experiments in Nocturnal ESP, summarizes the fascinating findings in support of dream telepathy.
On the night of the Dream Telepathy Contest, Clare became aware that she was dreaming and sought to find the "telepathic sender" who was telepathically transmitting an image (earlier in the evening, the "sender" had selected one sealed envelope with an image from a group of four sealed envelopes, and retreated to her room to open the envelope and transmit the image to contest participants). Before falling asleep, Clare incubates the desire to get in touch with the telepathic sender and discover the target image.
In her dream, Clare notes, "I am wandering around with IASD members, commenting on the greenness. In the distance, a woman's voice is shouting 'Tree! Tree!' as if she has just discovered the answer to some fundamental question....Later [in the dream], we are all at the conference site in a high-ceilinged room, discussing the dream telepathy contest. I see Beverly [the telepathic sender] across the room and know that I'm dreaming this. Beverly looks cheerful but I think she's got to be tired since she must be having a sleepless night trying to transmit the image. I ask her how she is feeling. She flings her arms out, grinning, and says, "I've just been shouting the word inside my head!"

"That's interesting," I say, "because in my last dream, people were shouting about trees." I want to ask her outright if tree is the image she is projecting, but think this might be cheating. A woman across the room says excitedly, "I've been getting that, too. Tree shouting." We get into a discussion about the nature of greenness. Is green a positive or negative colour? We agree that it is both dark and light. Deep and beautiful.

.... Then, very slowly, I wake up. I am smiling in the dark. 'The telepathy picture really might be a tree,' I think."
Upon waking, Clare finally visits the Dream Telepathy Contest table, where all four images are revealed; however, only one is the "target image." She comments, "When I get to Registration with the slip of paper upon which I scribbled down my dream, there are three images which don't resonate with me at all, and on the end is a picture of the tree I tried to draw in my dream." Clare selects this image and includes her dream report.
A few days later, Clare discovers that she won the Dream Telepathy Contest. Moreover, "I was intrigued to learn that Beverly did actually shout about trees inside her head while attempting to communicate the image. This experience has given me food for thought concerning receptiveness in lucid dreams." (pg 179-80)
The next real-life example touches on the plot twist of Inception, where Cobb must go beyond merely extracting information from another while lucid dreaming - he must "implant" an idea into another's subconscious without them being aware of it. If Cobb can do this "implanting" successfully, he will win his freedom.
In this personal example, I manage to "implant" an idea into another dreamer's subconscious, which she then showed me in the waking world. My lucid dream from November 24, 1998, begins as I lucidly observe the inside of a restaurant, "...when I see my friend, Moe, come inside. She's wearing a white t shirt and black pants. I ask her if she realizes this is a dream. She seems just a little bit alert, so I walk her around a bit. Then I decide to hold her and levitate (to convince her we dream). I keep saying, ‘See, we're floating! This is a dream.'"
Trying to make some impact on her, I get the idea to make a peace sign with my fingers. Putting them in front of her face, I say, "Look, Moe, do you see this peace sign? Every time you see it, it can make you become lucid -- you'll know you're dreaming." Again, I put the peace sign right in front of her face." I wake.
Four months later, I'm traveling on business on the West Coast and call Moe to see about having lunch. We make plans to meet. Arriving early, I wait outside the restaurant, and at last, I see Moe coming down the sidewalk. As she walks up to me, she gives me a curious look -- then suddenly, she reaches up and puts a big peace sign right in front of my face!
I feel completely stunned! I had recalled the lucid dream earlier in the day, but had never mentioned it to her. Shocked, I muttered, "Why did you do that?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders and said nonchalantly, "I don't know. Just felt like it." Over lunch, I told her about my lucid dream of meeting her and showing her the peace sign and how shocking it felt to see her mimic my lucid dream behavior in the waking world.
Moe's mirroring of my lucid dream action seems impossible to discount as mere coincidence. Not only had a "sign" been exchanged in the lucid dream, but my dream action appeared to influence Moe's waking action. Suddenly, the two worlds of dreaming and waking didn't seem so separate. For a moment on a sunny suburban street corner, lucid dreaming merged with lucid waking. (pg 182-3)
So does lucid dreaming allow us access to another person's mind, asInception suggests? Or do we all connect subconsciously in a meta-web, mind-grid of a Collective Unconscious, which our ego blithely ignores as illusory dream fantasies? Could we use lucid dreaming to provide scientific evidence of a mental realm or shared inner dimension?
Lucid dreaming offers us a new and revolutionary psychological tool to investigate such questions. Using advanced and experienced lucid dreamers, scientists could develop experiments that consciously explore the mysteries of what psychological researchers are now calling a "hybrid state of consciousness" with features of both waking and dreaming awareness. The dream theories of Carl Jung, often criticized for lacking an experimental basis, could be re-examined through lucid dreaming. From my experience, lucid dreaming points convincingly to a kind of collective unconscious or inner communication system.
Christopher Nolan correctly realizes that "the only outlandish idea that the film presents, really, is the existence of a technology that allows you to enter and share the same dream as someone else." However, he need not worry about technology or lucid dream machines. Talented lucid dreamers have already provided anecdotal evidence of obtaining unknown information while lucidly aware in dreams. This fact alone should wake up science to the potential of lucid dreaming to explore deeper aspects of consciousness - an Inception that many physicists, lucid dreamers and others have long imagined.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It all depends on whether you have things, or they have you.” ~Robert A. Cook

Simplicity. It is a lovely ancient spiritual tradition that has seen a recent resurgence in popularity. As we try to make sense of our erratic economy and the accompanying financial anxiety, it is natural to leap to a less risky lifestyle extreme — stop spending, scale back, live lean.

If you are a regular reader of Zen Habits, you are probably intrigued by the idea of simplifying. In fact, you may have even given up many material things and actively live a very simple life. People who have adopted this level of simplicity, especially in the land of consumerism, are incredibly inspiring and fascinating.

But let’s be real here. In spite of embracing the concept of simplicity, most people really love their stuff, and they love acquiring more stuff. Like our attitudes about a healthy diet, our feelings about material things are complicated. We know what’s good for us, but we just don’t want to give up what we like. Our stuff makes us feel good.

Is it possible to live a simple life and still love stuff? How much letting go of stuff really counts toward simplifying anyway?

Living simply and detaching from material things will make you happier. There is real research and lots of anecdotal evidence to support the truth of this. But is it possible that some material things can add to our happiness, sense of contentment and joy in life? If so, how do you go about deciding what’s good stuff and what’s bad?

Perhaps the deciding factor is motivation. Do the things that you own or wish to buy support your ego, or do they enliven your soul? Some material things can afford you a sense of warmth, coziness, beauty, fond memories, or comfort. There are other things that offer only that fleeting rush of acquisition.

If you infuse mindfulness into your ideas and actions around material things, you can create a gentle balance between loving stuff and living simply.

Here are some thoughts that might be useful.

1. Look around your house now.
Walk from room to room. Do you see things that you never use and don’t really care about? Why not give them away or sell them? Clear physical and psychic space by removing the “dead wood” in your environment. Someone else might really need these things.

2. Examine why you are hanging on to something.

Is it truly useful or meaningful, or does it feed your ego in some way? Are you holding on to it just to impress others or to make yourself feel better or more important?

3. Look at how you spend your time.
Do you have things you own for hobbies that you never pursue? Do you have a kitchen full of gadgets but you rarely cook? If you truly think you will come back to a hobby or activity, box things up and put them out of sight until you do. Be realistic about how much time you have to use your extraneous stuff.

4. Are you in a career that is thing-focused?
Decorators, car dealers, retailers and others involved in creating, buying, selling and marketing merchandise, can have a hard time detaching from material things because they are always surrounded by the newest and best. There is beauty and art in many things, but consider this: you don’t have to own them all to appreciate them. Eckhart Tolle once suggested to Oprah Winfrey that she not buy everything she likes or wants — just savor it for the moment in the store.

5. Consider experiences rather than things.
On the whole, experiential purchases provide far more pleasure than material purchases. The memory of experiences improves with time, but material purchases are harder to think about abstractly. Experiences also encourage social relationships which provide long-lasting happiness. If you are itching to spend, spend on a great experience with someone you enjoy.

6. When you think about your things or want to purchase something new, consider these parameters:

It brings beauty into your life and stirs your soul.

It supports a passion or hobby.

It helps bring family and friends together in a creative, meaningful way.

It educates and enlightens.

It makes life profoundly simpler so that you can pursue more meaningful things.
It helps someone who is sick or incapacitated.

It is useful and necessary for day-to-day life.
It’s part of a meaningful tradition or a reminder of a special event.

7. You will know you are buying mindlessly if you:

Buy on a whim.
Buy to impress others.
Buy because you feel you deserve it.
Buy when you can’t afford it.
Buy just to update something that still works or looks fine.
Buy because someone else has it and you want it too.
Buy because the advertisement seduced you.
Buy because you are bored.
It’s purchased because buying soothes you.

It is possible to balance a simpler life with owning and acquiring material things. You can enjoy stuff without living the life of an aesthetic. The exact balance you create is a matter of personal preference. But realize there is a diminishing point of return with accumulation and materialism that undermines authentic joy and fulfillment in life.

Apply mindful purging to your current lifestyle and belongings, as well as thoughtful consideration to your future purchases. Carefully examine your motivations for keeping possessions or buying new things. Once you allow things to serve your soul, rather than you being a slave to your things, your life will evolve into an artful harmony between what you have and who you are.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Horoscopes: WeeklyScopes ~ July 5 to 11 * Days and times reflect North America EST

ARIES ~ The revolutionary planet of innovation and radical change, Uranus, who remains in your sign, slows down this week and retrogrades for the rest of the year. Some of the tension and hectic energy of June lightens a bit...but just a bit. Cardinal tension continues to grow stronger with the Cancer-Solar Eclipse happening this weekend. So, approach this week with a slower, steadier pace and concentrate of objectives.

TAURUS ~ The Moon in your sign for most of the work week should help interactions run smoother. Stand your ground for what you believe in. Just make sure that you are truly committed to your cause. You will need to see it through. Home life gets demanding as the weeks ends and approaches the Solar Eclipse in family-oriented Cancer.

GEMINI ~ Things are looking up. Prospects for supplementing income seem promising. Keep things simple and practical though. Include the possible immediate impact and/or sacrifices on your end when considering options. It's great to reap more but consider the cost – financially, as well as the additional energy and time required. This week, aim for little to no surprises. Anticipate possible obstacles and concentrate on what matters.

CANCER ~ Didn't we just have an eclipse? Well, another approaches this weekend and this Solar Eclipse is in your sign. Those born within 3 days of July 11 will feel its effects stronger than most over the next 6 months. As for this week, stay focus. You'll need your wits about you as you interact with colleagues, superiors, friends and frenemies. Don't be shy. Say what you need to say. Your opinion and ideas matter.

LEO ~ There's a focus on work at the start of the work week. A chance to interact with superiors, maybe even impress them. You may be thrown into an assignment or project you'd rather not be a part of, but take this as an opportunity to 'wow' those whose opinion matter that inches you ahead of the game. However your week plays out, see the opportunity instead of the obligation.

VIRGO ~ Your ruler, Mercury, gets busy making connections while he remains in your social house. By Friday, he'll enter the house of your subconscious for a quieter, more introspective weekend. For the week, you have the opportunity to cut through any fog of confusion and get at the truth or clarity. Recruit a trusted friend or colleague to help you bounce ideas around or seek their counsel.

LIBRA ~ Something's gotta give. You've been pulled so many different directions that you might have forgotten what you had set your eyes on to begin with. The Moon in your house of endings for the first half of the weeks urges you now to let go and release whatever's got a hold on you. The Solar Eclipse this weekend brightly shines upon your house of aspirations. Lighten your load now and make room for a future of your own making.

SCORPIO ~ Careful balance between career and family is the major challenge for the week. What else is new, right? You've got this in the bag. Set your goals early on or something will have to give before the work week ends. Watch your pace and don't forget to treat yourself with kindness. Tensions rise as the Solar Eclipse in Cancer approaches this weekend.

SAGITTARIUS ~ Busy, busy. Lots of little, time consuming work to do. A full plate this week. Watch that you take the time to care for yourself. It's easy to overlook your own needs when there's a long list of action items to get done. Be practical and take a 'hands-on' approach. Mid-week, you'll get a chance to bring something you've been mulling over to reality.

CAPRICORN ~ Being headstrong and willful have gotten you far in life and in your everyday dealings. This week, however, you may need to compromise more than you're comfortable with. You're not being asked to go against what you believe in or stand for. But you may need to trust that things can succeed even if it isn't your idea or even if it's not done your way. Everything is as it should be. We all have our part to play.

AQUARIUS ~ The past month may have been a whirlwind for you. New ideas. Opportunities. Enhancing upon what's existing. Breaking away. More happenings last month than the entire year, it seems. This week, your ruler, Uranus, slows down and takes a more introspective look for the rest of the year. Take this time to solidify plans, fine tune ideas, determine what's feasible vs. what's imagination, connect with like-minded souls and make future plans.

PISCES ~ Does it feel like you're on auto-pilot? It's difficult to sway the practical mind from focusing on the realities of one's situation. But this inability to perceive beyond what the eyes can visibly see or what the mind can logically wrap around keep that which is inspired from being experienced. This week, act boldly and the universe will respond accordingly. There is an inspired life to be lived. The first step requires expanding your mind.