Monday, May 24, 2010

8pm EST Tuesday - FREE Relationship & Psychic Phone Seminar. Topic: Where are we headed? (Am I investing my time towards something with potential?)


Free LIVE phone seminar - Tues. May 25th - 8PM EST/5PM PST!

Seminar with Dee of Love Solutions - Call Now!


Topic: Where are we headed?

Guest Speaker: Medium Marie will offer free Psychic Intuitive Insights.

Win a FREE 15 minute coaching session with Dee of Love Solutions! When you join us on Tuesdays phone seminar (exclusive for Satori Nation members).

Join us Tues. - Relationship Coach Dee will discuss behaviors, signs and tips on how to tell if you're investing your energy in a potential partnership or potential flop. We hope you leave our seminar with tools to see if your current relationship, or dating experience is headed towards a more serious commitment.

  • If you are dating - will it lead to a relationship?

  • If you are in a relationship - will it lead to something more serious?

  • If you are living together - is it leading towards marriage?

  • If you are dating trying to reconnect with an ex-partner - will you reconnect?

Unfortunately, even if your partners intentions are pure, you may both find that the relationship you are building or trying to build is more than he/she can handle. This is one of the main reasons why partners back away when discussions of a more serious comittment are discussed.

  • Dee will give you tips and conversational pieces to help move your relationship past any commitment hurdles.

  • Or, help you determine if you should cut the cord.

Move forward together or begin investing your time in yourself or a new relationship!

Let the romance begin all over again. At the end of the call Dee will answer your relationship questions. Those who ask questions - Medium Marie will offer her Psychic Intuitive Insights to help you see your relationship from an outside perspective.

Date: Tues. May 25th

Time: 8pm EST/ 5pm PST

Cost: FREE!

Dial in number: 218-862-1000

Access code: 985632#

Avoid relationship mistakes! Have the perfect relationship. ...Talk now with Relationship Coach Dee.


Pep Talk: Success as a habit

What might I share with your audience?
Aristotle once said: "Excellence, then, is not a single act, but a habit."

So, the reverse must hold true: Failure is not a single act, it is a habit.

Who knowingly practices the habit of failure? None of us, I am sure. But tiny things erode our success. It is the small detail that sets us back. For example, the habit of blaming others prevents us from changing ourselves. So this habit might be part of a framework of habits that surround failure.

There is no doubt that neither failure nor success are guaranteed. We control what we put out, and how we deal with feedback. If our efforts come to nothing, we can make improvements in our practice, or we can make excuses to avoid working on weaknesses and liabilities.

The choice is daily, and the choice is ours. Look at the success stories of history. Winston Churchill is credited for saving England from total collapse under Nazi bombardment. Yet he experienced failure, and depression. For Churchill to live through World War II and the Allied Victory, only to be voted out of office when England had arrived safely in the harbor of peace, must have been a blow. Yet he is remembered for his valor and deep belief in England and in freedom, not for petty politics. He endured when others gave up, because he knew those who had little courage or faith needed him, and he came through.

We pick ourselves up and carry on, we set our sights high, and we do not settle for anything less than the best of ourselves.

I think success is the habit of catching the little things, of starting over, and of aiming high, day after day. Success is indeed a habit, the habit of believing

For more articles on Success, Zen Habit and Simplicity please visit

Pump It: Weekly Horoscopes May 24th - 30th

Big shift in the heavens. The Full Moon in Sagittarius signals the completion/culmination of something within each of our lives, and the time to prepare the next phase. It's the perfect precursor to Uranus' big, bold entrance into Aries where sparks of brilliant ideas can't wait to get under way. There's a danger of leaping without looking so, be mindful of that this week. Uranus has not been in Aries since 1935 so, this is a significantly influential celestial event that triggers the beginning of cardinal forces climaxing within the next few months.

By weekend, Saturn stations and prepares for direct movement, lifting obstacles or delays that may have been in our way. It's time to get our affairs in order. Saturn in Virgo is meticulous, analytical and thorough. He has been retrograde since January 13.

As the month of May comes to a close, Neptune stations and joins Pluto in retrograde motion. Focus turns inward for the already intuitive Neptune until November 7. We have the opportunity to get in touch with our spiritual, psychological self and give attention to whatever we may have been neglecting within our inner space in the course of living our busy, daily lives.

Your weekly horoscope:

Friday, May 7, 2010

Weekend Love Horoscopes ~ May 7 to 9, 2010

ARIES ~ Venus and Mars hooking up lights up all matters of love for you. With Venus in your house of communication, words are your superpower this weekend. Get your flirt on. Pull out all stops. Wow 'em!

TAURUS ~ There's comfort in stability, especially since last year brought so many unexpected changes in your life. Don't be afraid to ask for what you need or want this weekend. Just make sure that you want what you want for the 'right' reasons. And don't play innocent, you know what constitutes as 'right' in your given situation.

GEMINI ~ Conjure up the spell because you are enchanting and enigmatic this weekend. Venus graces your sign while Mars still got game in your communication house. Words and how they are delivered will get you just about anything you aim for. So, careful what you wish for and go for it.

CANCER ~ There is no time like the present -- may it be mending a broken heart, giving someone a try at winning your heart, being brave enough to take the next step in a relationship, or face some hard truths about your love life and how to repair it. Let this weekend be a turning point for you, your love, your life.

LEO ~ There is no doubt that love and a bit of romance is in your forecast for the weekend. The Moon is in your house of sex. Mars is still in your sign and is blatantly flirting with Venus, the planet of love. Keep things light, however. The Sun in your future goals house might get you looking far ahead. Play it by ear.

VIRGO ~ The future is bright and hopeful even if your immediate world suggests otherwise. The Moon lights up your relationships house all weekend. Be reminded of that which you treasure most and take the time this weekend to appreciate those. Bask in the love and comfort of what you hold near and dear.

LIBRA ~ Nothing says love and romance more than your ruler, Venus, getting frisky with Mars. Whether attached or single, all signs points to happy connections this weekend. Friends might even turn into lovers, or meeting a potential love through a friend might also be a possibility. Just about anything is possible, really. Be open. Experience.

SCORPIO ~ The Moon is in your house of love for much of the weekend, while the Sun remains in your relationships house. With Venus and Mars playing come-hither, it's a good time to spice up the relationship or get some grounding on a new relationship. Single Scorpys are poised to be the hunter this weekend. Go fetch your prey.

SAGITTARIUS ~ The planet of love is in your relationships house while she plays coy with Mars which makes for a weekend reserved for love. Single Sags, especially those with hearts that still need mending, should grab your best mates for good times to be had. You never may just meet your future love.

CAPRICORN ~ With Mars still in your house of sex, while he gets amorous with Venus, the planet of love, it's pretty clear what might be in store for you this weekend. The Moon is dreamy in your house of thought and communication. Open your heart and mind.

AQUARIUS ~ Single or brokenhearted Aquarians may find this weekend of love and romance a little difficult. You don't have to feel left out, though. This celestial energy is prime for getting out there and having fun. Who knows, your next love may be just a 'hello' away.

PISCES ~ Miracles can happen. Wishes do come true. The Moon in your sign nearly all weekend suggests you might just get your just desserts. Whether it's finding your love, treasuring the life you share with your love or something in between, the sky is supportive of granting your wish.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The elements of living lightly

“Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it.” ~Eckhart Tolle

Today I’m going to suggest a small change in mindset that could change your life.

I won’t keep you in suspense. Here it is: think of nothing that happens as either good or bad. Stop judging, and stop expecting.
It’s a tiny change — all you have to do is say, ‘That wasn’t good or bad, it just happened, it just is.’ It’s tiny, but it takes practice, and amazingly, it can knock you on your ass.

Why? Because with this little change, you will no longer be swayed up and down depending on whether good things or bad things happen to you, whether people (and their actions) are good or bad. You will learn to accept things as they are, and move within that landscape mindfully.

You will no longer expect good things to happen (or bad things), but will just take things as they come, and be content with whatever comes. This means you’ll no longer be disappointed, or unhappy.

“When people see some things as beautiful,
other things become ugly.
When people see some things as good,
other things become bad.”
~Lao Tzu

A Little Exercise
Think of something good that happened to you recently, and how it affected your mindset. Now think of something bad that happened, and what that did to your mindset.
Now imagine that neither event was good, and neither was bad. They simply happened, existed.

How does that change how you would have felt as a result of those events? How does it change your happiness, your mood? How does it change what you do in reaction?
When you stop judging things as good or bad, you are no longer. Nothing is good or bad.

Hamlet said, ‘There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.’

He was right. Without the human mind, things just happen, and they are not good or bad. It’s only when we apply the filter of our judgment that they become good or bad, beautiful or ugly.

A weed is only a weed when we don’t like it. Children are only naughty if we don’t like their actions. Life only sucks if you judge it as bad.

But what about truly horrible tragedies, like a plague or tsunami or the Holocaust? Surely those are bad? Sure, through the lens of the judgment we’ve been raised to make, they are terrible. But then again, remove the judgment, and then … they simply happened. Death and cruelty will probably always make us sad, but they’ve always happened and always will, whether we like them or hate them.

Holocaust survivor and author Victor Frankl wrote of a rich woman who went through the Holocaust, and who was grateful for the experience, as much as she suffered, because it opened her eyes. It transformed her. I’m not saying the Holocaust was good, but perhaps we can say that it happened. It serves as a lesson — one we should heed, by the way, in these days of politically charged hatred, of blaming our ills on immigrants and minorities.

There are other tragedies that happen that aren’t necessarily bad. They’re devastating losses, without a doubt, but in life there are always losses, and people will always die. It’s how we judge them that determines our reaction, and determines whether we’re capable of dealing with it sanely.

Great Expectations
The second half of this change is just as small, but just as important: dropping expectations. Not lowering expectations, but eliminating them.

Think about it: when we have expectations, and things don’t go the way we expect (which happens quite often, as we’re not good prognosticators), we are disappointed, frustrated. It’s our expectations that force us to judge whether something is good or bad.
When you expect something of a friend, co-worker, family member, spouse, and they don’t live up to that expectation, then you are upset with them, or disappointed. It causes anger. But what if you had no expectations — then their actions would be neither good nor bad, just actions. You could accept them without frustration, anger, sadness.

What if you went on vacation, to a place you had high expectations of, and it wasn’t what you thought it’d be? You’d be bitterly disappointed, even though it’s not the fault of that place — that’s just how the place is. It’s your expectations that are at fault.
When people disappoint you, it’s not their fault. They’re just being who they are. Your expectations are at fault.

The Why
But why make this change? Why should we stop judging? Why should we stop expecting?
Because judgments stop us from understanding, and can ruin our happiness. When we judge, we don’t seek to understand — we’ve already come to a conclusion. If we stop judging, we allow ourselves to try to understand, and then we can take a much smarter course of action, because we’re better informed by our understanding.
Judging makes us unhappy. So do expectations.

When we leave judgment behind, we can live in the moment, taking what comes as neither good or bad, but simply what is. We can stop ruining our happiness with our thinking, and start living instead.

The How
So how do we start doing this? In small steps, as always.

1 First, start by being more aware. Throughout the course of the day today, note when you make judgments, note when you have expectations, and when things don’t live up to them. Over time, you’ll notice this more and more, and be much more conscious of these types of thoughts.

2 Next, pause each time you notice a judgment or expectation. Take a breath. Then tell yourself, “No expectations, no good or bad.” Repeat this, letting go of the judgment or expectation.

3 Third, seek to see things as they are, and to understand. Be curious as to why things are the way they are, why people act the way they act. Investigate, empathize, try to put yourself in people’s shoes. See the landscape of your life as it actually is, without the filter of judgments or expectations.

4 Next, take what comes. Experience it, in the moment. React appropriately, without overreacting because it isn’t as you hoped or wanted. You can’t control life, or others, but you can control how you react.

5 Then, accept. When things happen, understand why they do, without judgment, and accept them as they are. Accept people for who they are. Accept yourself, without judgment, as you are. This takes practice.

6 Finally, know that the present moment, being as it is, also contains infinite possibilities. And those possibilities are opened up once you see things as they are, without judgment or expectations.