Friday, October 23, 2009

Blog title...

Psychic abilities are not the gift of a chosen few. I've learned this after twenty years of psychic training and developing my own psychic intuition. Some people are more adept than others, but with practice and belief, anyone can open the doors to their own psychic potential. That being said, those who find it easier to do this might be inclined to offer their services prematurely. Please keep this in mind as you seek psychic counsel.

A professional psychic will offer more than “mind reading” and “fortune telling”.

How often have you had a reading in which you were thrilled by the accurate account of your present situation, yet the psychic provided no guidance on overcoming obstacles, and the future prediction given to you never occurred? This often happens when you chose a “psychic” that does not rise above your conscious thoughts. What a psychic is doing here is using only telepathic skills, without delving into the higher mind to discover the deeper truth. Many practicing psychics never go beyond this “mind-reading” level.

Telepathic communication is when you send and receive information using only your thoughts. We transmit thoughts telepathically every day, just by thinking about someone or something. At times, when you think about someone, you may even sense that he or she is thinking about you. This is a telepathic connection. Ever think about someone and then they call you? It's because you were telepathically picking up on their thoughts of calling you.

But when a psychic gives a reading while remaining on a purely telepathic level, the psychic is telling the person's their wants, fears and desires at that time – and in some cases eliciting false hope.

That’s why it’s important to know how experienced the psychic giving your psychic phone reading is. To know how experienced a psychic is, always read the psychic's client testimonials and validated psychic predictions.

The difference between a psychic and a qualified professional psychic with keen psychic intuition is that a professional psychic will offer more than “mind reading” and “fortune telling”.

Professional psychics use their telepathic skill, but also rise above them to channel information from a higher source. I've been offering my intuitive services for the past two decades. Personally, I channel information from my Guides (Guides are entities who have usually had a physical life on earth). With this information I offer clear guidance that helps one overcome any difficult circumstances.

A professional psychic will:

  • Be able to sense a situation as is, with limited client input.

  • Look at the big picture to help you better understand your situation.

  • Be able to tell you accuratly of upcoming life event "mile markers" to pay attention for.

  • Leave you feeling empowered on how you can improve any challenging situation to get back on the right back.

  • NEVER leave you feeling weak or fearful.

  • Have a listing of client testimonials or feedback.

A well meaning, but non-professional psychic could lead you in circles!

Here is an example of how a well intentioned psychic can lead you in circles:

A client came to me for relationship help. He was in love with his ex-girlfriend. He thought about her all the time and was certain that they would get back together, for she loved him and wanted him in her life. My client had invested money in many psychic readings just to find out how this woman felt about him and when she would speak to him next. When I started our reading, I picked up that she did indeed love him and thought about him often, but she didn’t want to get back together. There was a difference in their core values: she didn’t want to be a mother and my client wanted to raise a family.

It's natural for an inexperienced psychic to answer only the client's direct question. A well established professional psychic knows to look deeper. The psychics my client called prior weren't experienced enough to know that love doesn't always reunited a couple. If they looked deeper they would have seen that because she loved him – she wouldn't go back to him. She wanted him to find someone else, for she herself could not fulfill his needs. This is what we get when we look deeper. Unfortunately, my client had spent hundreds of dollars on online psychic readings trying to “figure out” if she stilled loved him, when really that was a moot point.

After a few sessions with me he began to understand that yes, she did love him, but that he had to let the relationship go. Today, about three years later, he is happily married and expecting his first child. He is still friends with his ex, and she is single and happy.

Now, how damaging could this have been if he hadn’t moved on? He would have kept talking with his ex and continuing to think they would eventually get back together. He could have spent many more years and money chasing a false hope. I am not saying these psychics were fakes. They were correct: she did love him, but there were more important forces at work.

When seeking a psychic reading, it's important to know who you are talking to.

There are online psychic services that have low or no screening policies in place. Some psychic services consider a “good psychic” as someone with good phone manners and strong conversational skills. This can leave a false impression on what it is to experience a real psychic reading.

For entertainment purposes, feel free to use any psychic or a friend who is starting out on their intuitive journey. When you are dealing with a more pressing concern, it's wise to seek professional guidance from a well experienced psychic professional with keen psychic intuition. I offer a list of current client testimonials of accurate psychic predictions.

Best of luck on your own intuitive journey!

Call Medium Marie today on

Is your partner pulling away? 5 steps to re-create your marriage or relationship

written by Medium Marie
Talk Now:

I write many articles on how to attract a new relationship. However, what do you do when you are in a relationship, or already married, and you feel like your partner is pulling away? Here's how to re-create and infuse your current relationship from stale, to a vibrant and fulfilling relationship or marriage.

One reason we feel our partner pulling away, is because we are no longer energetically connected. In short: neither person is "feeling" the relationship. It has become stagnent, stale and boring. Sometimes when we feel that our partner is pulling away, is because in reality - both persons in the relationship are not connected.

To revive a relationship - both partners need to be engaged and energetically invested. Inorder for your partner to become enaged in the relationship - you will need to re-create your existing relationship.

When we choose to change or grow our relationship, we must do this by first, being willing to accept the relationship as it is; without exception and without an attachment to the change we desire. I'll explain why this is true, shortly.

Second, it's important to remember that there is always a price and a pay-off to every change. When we choose to intentionally change a relationship, we can ultimately attract our ideal relationship (even from within the one we have) but not without change.

Therefore, be open, willing, and prepared for changes. Especially because, these changes may not come in the package or form that we originally envisioned or planned. Remember, there are two creators involved here and therefore compromise, flexibility and growth will be required on both sides. This is true whether both parties are aware of the intentions of the other or not.

Now, getting back to the first step:

1) Accepting the relationship as it is; without exception and without an attachment

You must apply the Law of Detachment by accepting that your partner may never change and be willing to be at peace with this exactly as it stands, forever.

I will say it again: your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife may never change. You need to both accept and come to peace with this.

Making peace with your reality is the art of detachment. Practicing detachment does not mean you are giving up on your desire for a more harmonious relationship. Quite the contrary, you are giving up on your desire to have your partner be someone they are not. You keep the desire for harmony and that becomes your magnetic beacon.

By focusing on the essence of harmony and calling that into your experience, you literally inspire those around you to act, be, and do the things that are in alignment with that harmony. And, you inspire yourself to not over react when this isn't the case.

You are, through the intentional act of surrendering to what is, exchanging attachment for detachment, resentment for forgiveness and rejection for love. Therefore, if you want to inspire changes within your relationship, choose to surrender to loving it just the way it is.

Then, begin to put your focus, attention, and intention on the love, harmony, optimism, fun, adventure, connection, passion, etc. that you want to experience at the core of your being.

By imagining that you experience these things within the relationship every day, you create a wave of magnetic energy that ripples through your home. Your loved ones will literally feel inspired to ride that wave and in a boomerang fashion return the love you are sending out, as if they no longer want to present their 'negative' face but instead feel compelled to be more harmonious around you.

Every relationship experience is caused by our thoughts, emotions and our expectations.

Therefore, to change our relationship experience we must change our thoughts and emotions and expectations of the relationship.

In summary, here are the steps:


1) Be willing to love and accept your partner exactly as they are even if they never change.

2) Decide what you want in the relationship and focus on the essence of that desire (peace, love, harmony, beauty, joy, passion, etc.)

3) Begin to give what you want in the relationship. If you want more love, start giving more love. If you want more peace, start being more at peace.

4) Use emotional freedom technique (EFT) or some other forgiveness tool to eliminate the doubts, fears, and resentments from your past in order to free yourself from any self-sabotaging thoughts or expectations.

5) Imagine that you already have the very thing that you want right now from your partner. Practice this vision over and over until it becomes a part of your expectation.

When your love of the reality feels truly fulfilling and your expectation for peace, love, and harmony becomes a knowingness (a firm level of absolute certainty) then your physical world will catch up to your emotional world.

This is when you will open your eyes to the change that has taken place and the materialization of your ideal relationship will be what you see.

Instead of giving up - lets work together on your relationship. Call Medium Marie today to learn how YOU CAN re-creating your relationship.

Spirituality and stress relief

Exploring your spirituality can lead to a clearer life purpose, better personal relationships and enhanced stress management skills.

Certain tools to reduce stress are very tangible: exercising more, eating healthy foods and talking with friends. But there is another tool for helping you manage stress that can be just as beneficial, albeit harder to pin down — embracing your spirituality.

What is spirituality?

Spirituality has many definitions, but at its core spirituality helps to give our lives context. It's not necessarily connected to a specific belief system or even religious worship. Instead, it arises from your connection with yourself and with others, the development of your personal value system, and your search for meaning in life. For many, this takes the form of religious observance, prayer, meditation or a belief in a higher power. For others, it can be found in nature, music, art or a secular community. Spirituality is different for everyone.

How can spirituality help you?

  • Focus on personal goals. Cultivating your spirituality may help uncover what's most meaningful in your life. By clarifying what's most important, you can draw your attention away from the unimportant elements in your life and eliminate stress.

  • Connect to the world. The more you feel you have a purpose in the world, the less solitary you feel — even when you're alone. This can lead to a valuable inner peace during difficult times.

  • Expand your support network. Whether you find spirituality in a church, mosque or synagogue, in your family, a drumcirle or in walks with a friend through nature, this sharing of spiritual expression can help build relationships.

  • Lead a healthier life. People who consider themselves spiritual also consider themselves well balanced. Where one may be better able to cope with stress and heal from illness or addiction faster.

How can you define your spirituality?

To uncover your spirituality is to engage in self-discovery. Here are some questions to ask yourself to discover what experiences and values define you:

  • What brings you joy?

  • What gives you hope?

  • What are your three most memorable experiences?

  • What are your important relationships?

  • What activities do you do that are effortless and bring you great balance and joy?

  • If you have survived losses in your life, how have you done so?

  • What do you believe will happen to you when your physical life ends, and how do you feel about that?

  • Describe a time when you felt comfortable and all was right with the world.

  • Describe a time when your life was filled with a sense of meaning or you were filled with a sense of awe.

The answers to such questions help you identify the most important people and experiences in your life. With this information, you can focus your search for spirituality on the relationships and activities in life that have helped define you as a person and those that continue to inspire your personal growth.

Cultivating your spirituality

Spirituality begins with your relationship with yourself, is nurtured by your relationships with others and culminates in a sense of purpose in life. Realizing this, two of the best ways to cultivate your spirituality are to improve your self-esteem and to foster relationships with those who are important to you

Looking inward

  • Try prayer, meditation and relaxation techniques to access your inner wisdom and help focus your thoughts.

  • Keep a journal to help you express your feelings and record your progress.

  • Seek out a trusted adviser, intuitive psychic advisor or friend — preferably someone who has had similar life experiences — who can help you discover what's important to you in life. Sometimes others may have insights that you haven't been able to discover on your own.

  • Read inspirational stories to help you evaluate different philosophies of life.

  • Talk to others whose spiritual lives you admire. Ask questions to learn how they found their way to a fulfilling spiritual life.

  • Be open to new experiences. If you're exploring organized religion, remember to consider a variety of different faith traditions. If your spirituality is more secular, you might consider expanding your horizons with new experiences in the arts.

Nurturing relationships

  • Develop effective listening and communication skills.

  • Make relationships with friends and family a priority and stay in touch.

  • Share your spiritual journey with loved ones and let them know what's important to you.

  • Seek out others with similar spiritual beliefs and engage in conversation to learn from each other.

  • Volunteer within your community.

  • See the good in people and in yourself.

Pursuing a spiritual life

Staying connected to your inner spirit and the lives of those around you can enhance your quality of life, both mentally and physically. Spirituality is a dynamic, constantly evolving internal journey. Your personal concept of spirituality may change with your age and life experiences, but it always forms the basis of your well-being, helps you maintain a reasonable stress level and affirms your purpose in life.

All that this world needs is a good cleansing of the heart of all the inhibitions of the past. And laughter and tears can do both. Tears will take out all the agony that is hidden inside you and laughter will take all that is preventing your ecstasy. Once you have learned the art you will be immensely surprised. - OSHO

Discover Stress-Relief and Greater Joy

Written by:

The moments available to us for claiming a little stress relief are innumerable. Every moment of our lives is a moment we can stop doing and just be. What does this really mean? Practical application: you are rushing around doing things hitherto, but now, take a moment to take a deep breath and look around. Is the sun shining? Is there a friendly eye to meet? Anything worthy of gratitude is found in the present moment and this awareness; this state of being relieves stress.

We all know that being in a state of gratitude is healing and stress-relieving. This is not news as most of us have been hearing it for many years, but some of us have yet to grasp the practice: choice (You know??hellip;freewill.) So why not make the choice as often as possible to find something to be grateful for? It is not complex to get this. Choice happens every moment. Consciously, or more often, unconsciously, we choose either to be stressed out or present. In the present moment, we are capable of knowing gratitude and healing. (Check out quantum physics, The Secret, or Google “gratitude” to find out more if you are having trouble following me here. Everybody else, this way, if you please…)

So, how do you foster a new habit of A) becoming aware that there actually is a choice being made in the first place, B) practice focusing on gratitude in the moment rather than the usual programs of condemnation and judgment so often running, and C) become aware of and build the practice of being in the moment?

Answer: UNPLUG. You can unplug by becoming the observer. You can facilitate and encourage the new and conscious habit of observation by practicing meditation and mindfulness. One can not only relieve stress, but also free herself of suffering by taking the role of the intent observer in her own life. Watching the mind and watching her actions, she can then see where different choices lead her to either, suffering or joy, drama or peace. She begins to realize that she has been choosing all along as a result of unconscious habitual programming. Not unlike the Matrix. Unplug, lovies!

Meditation is, in simple terms, sitting comfortably and quietly with eyes closed, committed to being the observer for a set time period (10 min is a great place to begin!) Mindfulness is bringing that state of observation out into daily activity…the moments when you realize that you are choosing to be present for what is, right now. Do yourself a favor and hook into these two practices (which are really the same) now. You may not only experience stress relief and a greater sense of well-being, you may also find unlimited and vast worlds being unlocked which reveal far more about yourself and your personal dharma than you ever were able to even sniff out before. Give it a go! And let me know what you discover…

In Gratitude-Amanda Grace

Talk Now with Amanda Grace.
The moments available to us for claiming a little stress relief are innumerable. Every moment of our lives is a moment we can stop doing and just be. What does this really mean? Practical application: you are rushing around doing things hitherto, but now, take a moment to take a deep breath and look around. Is the sun shining? Is there a friendly eye to meet? Anything worthy of gratitude is found in the present moment and this awareness; this state of being relieves stress.