Friday, October 23, 2009

Is your partner pulling away? 5 steps to re-create your marriage or relationship

written by Medium Marie
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I write many articles on how to attract a new relationship. However, what do you do when you are in a relationship, or already married, and you feel like your partner is pulling away? Here's how to re-create and infuse your current relationship from stale, to a vibrant and fulfilling relationship or marriage.

One reason we feel our partner pulling away, is because we are no longer energetically connected. In short: neither person is "feeling" the relationship. It has become stagnent, stale and boring. Sometimes when we feel that our partner is pulling away, is because in reality - both persons in the relationship are not connected.

To revive a relationship - both partners need to be engaged and energetically invested. Inorder for your partner to become enaged in the relationship - you will need to re-create your existing relationship.

When we choose to change or grow our relationship, we must do this by first, being willing to accept the relationship as it is; without exception and without an attachment to the change we desire. I'll explain why this is true, shortly.

Second, it's important to remember that there is always a price and a pay-off to every change. When we choose to intentionally change a relationship, we can ultimately attract our ideal relationship (even from within the one we have) but not without change.

Therefore, be open, willing, and prepared for changes. Especially because, these changes may not come in the package or form that we originally envisioned or planned. Remember, there are two creators involved here and therefore compromise, flexibility and growth will be required on both sides. This is true whether both parties are aware of the intentions of the other or not.

Now, getting back to the first step:

1) Accepting the relationship as it is; without exception and without an attachment

You must apply the Law of Detachment by accepting that your partner may never change and be willing to be at peace with this exactly as it stands, forever.

I will say it again: your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife may never change. You need to both accept and come to peace with this.

Making peace with your reality is the art of detachment. Practicing detachment does not mean you are giving up on your desire for a more harmonious relationship. Quite the contrary, you are giving up on your desire to have your partner be someone they are not. You keep the desire for harmony and that becomes your magnetic beacon.

By focusing on the essence of harmony and calling that into your experience, you literally inspire those around you to act, be, and do the things that are in alignment with that harmony. And, you inspire yourself to not over react when this isn't the case.

You are, through the intentional act of surrendering to what is, exchanging attachment for detachment, resentment for forgiveness and rejection for love. Therefore, if you want to inspire changes within your relationship, choose to surrender to loving it just the way it is.

Then, begin to put your focus, attention, and intention on the love, harmony, optimism, fun, adventure, connection, passion, etc. that you want to experience at the core of your being.

By imagining that you experience these things within the relationship every day, you create a wave of magnetic energy that ripples through your home. Your loved ones will literally feel inspired to ride that wave and in a boomerang fashion return the love you are sending out, as if they no longer want to present their 'negative' face but instead feel compelled to be more harmonious around you.

Every relationship experience is caused by our thoughts, emotions and our expectations.

Therefore, to change our relationship experience we must change our thoughts and emotions and expectations of the relationship.

In summary, here are the steps:


1) Be willing to love and accept your partner exactly as they are even if they never change.

2) Decide what you want in the relationship and focus on the essence of that desire (peace, love, harmony, beauty, joy, passion, etc.)

3) Begin to give what you want in the relationship. If you want more love, start giving more love. If you want more peace, start being more at peace.

4) Use emotional freedom technique (EFT) or some other forgiveness tool to eliminate the doubts, fears, and resentments from your past in order to free yourself from any self-sabotaging thoughts or expectations.

5) Imagine that you already have the very thing that you want right now from your partner. Practice this vision over and over until it becomes a part of your expectation.

When your love of the reality feels truly fulfilling and your expectation for peace, love, and harmony becomes a knowingness (a firm level of absolute certainty) then your physical world will catch up to your emotional world.

This is when you will open your eyes to the change that has taken place and the materialization of your ideal relationship will be what you see.

Instead of giving up - lets work together on your relationship. Call Medium Marie today to learn how YOU CAN re-creating your relationship.

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