Monday, August 9, 2010

Weekly Horoscopes - Aug. 9th - 15th 2010

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ARIES ~ Whatever you're holding on to, time to loosen that grip and let it go. Get a clear, sober look at how and what the situation truly is. Be brave enough to take the necessary action, ideally one that fosters personal growth and expands your horizons.

TAURUS ~ The week may start out a little intense. Perhaps there are those giving ultimatums or maybe it's you that's had it and are forcing for a change to happen. No matter which it is, it's a good thing to have family, biological or otherwise, to lean on.

GEMINI ~ You're starting see some things through a different perspective. You're not quite sure what to make of it though. Keep your mind open and eyes peeled. The undeniable truth will reveal itself and unravel before your eyes.

CANCER ~ It's been a while since you've felt a dash of hope. It's also a little confusing that you sense this optimism is not in vain; yet your world as you experience it now doesn't much reflect the excitement you have inside. Have faith that your heart knows something the mind isn't aware of yet.

LEO ~ Perhaps you're seeing everything more clearly than ever. It may be disconcerting because what you've been clued in to is not pleasant or not at all what you hoped for. But maybe, it's something you've known all along and was not quite ready to “see” it.

VIRGO ~ That single candle lit inside a dark room is akin to what may be happening within your subconscious as the week begins. Whatever has been hiding, now comes to light. Whatever you've been holding back, now demands freedom from your grasp. This is a good thing. But it does require you to give up some control.

LIBRA ~ Reality bites. The upside, however, is that once you know the irrevocable truth about something or someone, you can't help but want to do something about it. Sometimes, things have be broken down in order to be rebuilt or replaced altogether. Welcome a renewal in your life.

SCORPIO ~ What we value in life changes over time. What we hope to achieve or acquire also goes through some changes. Yet sometimes we cling on to ideals, relationships, precepts that no longer support that which we work toward. Time to decide what and where to put your focus and energy on.

SAGITTARIUS ~ Friendships may be changing. Roles shifting. Some may even show their true colors as surprisingly unappealing. Don't let it bring you down. Change, after all, is the one constant thing in life. Perhaps it's time to expand your horizons, meet new people, foster new friendships.

CAPRICORN ~ You may have to give up something in order get something you want. Is what you want worth whatever you have to sacrifice for it? Is what you have to give up really a sacrifice? Maybe you don't need it anymore. Whatever it is, avoid making decisions based on fear.

AQUARIUS ~ There's a renewal for you within your significant relationships -- intimate or business or some other committed partnership. It may be time for make do of promises, whether yours or another's. Or time to eliminate what's been weighing you and/or your relationships down.

PISCES ~ How much of what you do for others keep you from taking care of business within your personal life? There is a way to be of service without being used or abused. Your health may also be a focus this week. Time to adopt a healthier lifestyle, maybe?

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