Monday, June 14, 2010

Your Weekly Horoscopes: June 14th - 20th

WeeklyScopes ~ June 14 to 20
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ARIES ~ It's all roses and sweet promises until it's time to make do on them. Whether they your promises or someone's got you excited over what might be, it is possible to make these ideas/plans/promises a reality or, at least, give a good chance for probability. But someone will need to not only take that first step, but commit to all that may be tangled up with that first step. There is work involved.

TAURUS ~ Perception. What we can see isn't always all there is. What we hear can also be deceiving. The full context isn't always readily available for us. This week, question what you perceive as truth and actively seek to become conscious of what realities may be hidden from you. Give a greater degree of latitude than you might usually, in a given situation.

GEMINI ~ Relationships, especially with family, may be at the forefront of your mind. Nothing serious, but you know a change is coming or have already begun happening. Maybe roles within your given relationships are shifting? Whatever it may be, embrace the change even if it's a difficult reality to accept right now.

CANCER ~ Venus enters your income house. This week, she makes friends with Jupiter and Uranus who are stirring things up in your career house. Ch-ch-ch-changes... Moving forward and improving the quality of your life requires letting go of what may be anchoring you to your current situation. The future is bright and hopeful, indeed. What are you willing to give up for it?

LEO ~ woo hoo! Venus graces your sign with her presence, where she'll remain until late next month. She currently makes a big play for Jupiter and Uranus who are all about expansion! Where in your life could you gain from the collaboration of these three planets? Think big, but fast. Mars and the Sun make their own alignments with Pluto and Saturn, respectively, later this week to help with putting action into your ideals.

VIRGO ~ It serves to be discriminating this week. Good thing you've got “picky” down pat :) So go ahead and extend your search or research far and wide. Reach out your arm and hand pick that thing, that idea, that person, that project, or that event of your heart's choosing. Choose, plan your next move, then make a move.

LIBRA ~ Everyone's got their demands. You seem to be the recipient. Feel free to delegate. You can realistically only accommodate the most significant and time-sensitive of these requests. After all, you also have your own life and set of action items that also need to get done. Unless they're children, these people can pull their own weight. Don't be an enabler :)

SCORPIO ~ Venus governs love/relationships but also finances. She has entered your career and future goals house, where she'll stay until late July. She now makes a lovely angle with the planet of possibilities, Jupiter, and the planet of surprises, Uranus, who are both in your house of work and daily routine. This week, sincere strides made toward work or changing to improve life's daily routines are favored to succeed.

SAGITTARIUS ~ Your week begins playfully which is a nice reminder on staying young at heart by connecting with your inner child. Trying to conceive? It's a good week for it. Actions working towards future plans or plans for increasing income are also blessed this week. It's just an all around fabulous week for you if you can stay focused and dedicated to your cause.

CAPRICORN ~ Time to get things in order on the home front. Whether it's projects around the house or repairing family relations or communicating to ensure everyone in on the same page, get it done. It will be a smoother road to achieving your personal objectives if you have your private life in order, as well as, have the support of family and loved ones.

AQUARIUS ~ Venus in your partnerships house until late July conjures up all sorts of fun, exciting possibilities in love relationships and business alliances, alike. Whether it's your love life or business life or both that needs a boost, be a little bolder, muster up some confidence and make your move. Venus' friendly ties with Jupiter and Uranus can help make your wishes come true or, at least, more feasible.

PISCES ~ There's work to be done. Everyone seems to want a piece of you – family, hubby/partner, children, employer. Just don't neglect the basic needs of the self in the process. Those who are looking for employment might find this an ideal week for job searching and/or scheduling interviews.

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