Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Weekly Horoscopes - December 7 to 13, 2009

WeeklyScopes for December 7 to 12, 2009
Awareness, Release, Moving Forward, Being Brave

* Dates and times reflect EST

So the week features Jupiter and Chiron blending energies for the third time this year allows for a final release of what holds us back, perhaps let go of old ways, past hurts, or even antiquated precepts. Coupled with Mercury's connection to Pluto and Saturn, our thoughts and communication determined to achieve our objectives. The Sagittarius-Sun and Leo-Mars harmonizing also gives our actions boldness and decisions confidence.

Throughout the week, the Moon makes her own alignments to Uranus and the Triple Conjunction – Jupiter, Chiron, and Neptune – giving our hearts the courage to venture out beyond our comprehension and be hopeful of things to come.

If you haven't checked out the December Horoscopes, here's the link - http://ping.fm/SYFvp

ARIES ~ Lingering drama with a long-time friend may finally come to an end. It's been a long time coming. On a separate note, the Sagittarius-Sun and Leo-Mars coming together makes this is an ideal time to get started on creative projects you've got on your to-do list.

TAURUS ~ Tension/existing problems in the work place finds a release/resolution. Or maybe personal longer term goals need redefinition to clarify any uncertainties. Mercury's links to Pluto and Saturn gives the ability for focused thinking and detailed planning.

GEMINI ~ Mercury's links to Pluto and Saturn give a more serious tone in your thinking and conversation which you might not necessarily be comfortable with. Communication is key. May it be spoken or written. Lest your significant other or business partner become the target of frustrations or confusion.

CANCER ~ Ch-ch-changes... Time to let go. What do you hold on to that keeps you from moving forward? Old ideals. Someone else's dreams or desires. Deeply-rooted hurt. Familiar ways. Just because something has always been doesn't mean it should always be.

LEO ~ Love and relationships get a chance for a renewal this week as Jupiter and Chiron, the Sun and Mars light up the parts of your chart governing romance and partnerships. Listen to your heart when your mind is unable to decide.

VIRGO ~ Has your work situation changed? Or perhaps your day-to-day routine is not your typical routine anymore. Or maybe you've found a new resolve to truly make a lifestyle change that allows for a healthier way of living. Whichever it is, this week's celestial alignments encourage and emboldens you to continue with what's been started.

LIBRA ~ There isn't always reason to matters of the heart or issues relating to loved ones. This week, however, might be an exception. Just make sure you're up to the challenge of truly seeking logical answers to the whats, whys, and hows regarding to family relations and/or your love life.

SCORPIO ~ You feel a shift. Perhaps family roles are changing. Maybe perceptions are different. An alternate view/understanding provides alternative solutions or unique answers to existing problems or issues.

SAGITTARIUS ~ Have new ideas been brewing? Something supplemental to current income or perhaps a change in profession? Mercury, Pluto, and Saturn allow for deep concentration and planning well thought-out steps this week. With the Sun in your sign and in harmony with Mars, decisions are confident and the promises of Jupiter and Chiron in your money house bestow a dose of hope and wisdom.

CAPRICORN ~ Lighten up a bit. Yes, your mind may be full of concern. Limitations and restrictions are quite clear now. Their clarity isn't to weigh you down with worry. They are revealed so, you can make plans on how to handle them. Knowing what's not doable or probable or credible rules out what cannot be so, making it possible to figure out what can be.

AQUARIUS ~ Feeling a little lighter? Standing a little taller? Straighter? A heavy load you've been burdened with for far too long gets lifted this week. Good riddance. Nope, it's done, over, you've given it up. Now, begin to fill that empty space left open by that load with what you desire...

PISCES ~ Friends or a friend may be the source of frustrations. It may be necessary to cut off ties, eliminate frenemies. If that isn't exactly a solution you can live with, channel this frustrating energy and redirect it towards advancing in your professional pursuits or taking a step toward long term goals. The connection between Sagittarius-Sun and Leo-Mars activates the part of your chart governing work and future goals.

Read full article: Satori Nation.com

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