Friday, April 30, 2010
Astro-Transits for May 2010
April 28/29 – Mercury & Sun conjunction
Retrograde mercury will move into exact alignment with the Sun. Children born near this time have heightened potential for self-understanding, but will have challenges speaking in public without becoming nervous or feeling unqualified. Benefits will be highest when Sagittarius and Taurus are rising.
May 2/3 - Jupiter enters Pisces
Persons in Jupiter cycles and subcycles (“dashas” etc) will get a general bost of prosperity as a result, specifics of which depend upon your rising sign and other factors. Persons born under Sagittarius or Pisces especially will also get overall boosts, unless Jupiter is under distress in your individual chart. Others with Jupiter in Pisces, Virgo, Cancer or Scorpio will also get some (most likely) beneficial effect from the transit.
May 9th/10th – Moon Conjoins Jupiter
The effects will vary from individual to individual (as always) depending on the conditions of Jupiter and the Moon, and their inter-relationship, in each individual’s birth chart. However, in general, this presents good opportunity for increased philosophical or moral reflection.
May 14th/15th – Sun & Venus move into new signs
At nearly exactly 30ยบ apart from one another, both the Sun and Venus will almost simultaneously change sidereal signs. The Sun will move into Taurus, and Venus will move into Gemini. The resulting situation is unusual because the three inner planets, Sun, Mercury and Venus will each be in a separate sign (Mercury in Aries, Sun in Taurus, and Venus in Gemini). These three are most often clumped closely together in the same sign – so having them spread out in three different signs distributes their energies in a strong and balanced way. Children born during this condition (which lasts for roughly a month) are benefitted by having stronger ability to express themselves through their intellect and senses. This would be particularly beneficial to those born while Leo or Aquarius rises.
This will cause the 9 planets to occupy 7 different signs, and when the Moon is in Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius, they will be distributed to 8 different signs, which is fairly unusual and suggests a good balance of energy and stability in general in the world during these times and for newborns.
May 26th/27th – Mars finally leaves Cancer!
Mars has been debilitated in sidereal cancer for a very abnormally long period of time: since the beginning of last October! This has been quite troublesome for those with Mars cycles and subcycles (“Dashas”, “Antardashas”, etc), especially those of us with planet in all the locations that Mars primarily aspects from Cancer. Today Mars will finally get to leo, and for many of us, that lets us close the chapter on contentious feelings and events brewing and surfacing since October.
It is not possible to be “accurate” giving generalized “predictions” such as these. This is because each and every individual has a different astrological configuration in their birth chart – and therefore the same exact current transit will effect different people in different ways. Real accuracy and reliability can only be hoped for in one-to-one consultations with capable astrologers who can interpret the transits in reference to your personal birth chart.
Nonetheless I have tried to bring out some general themes of the transits for May, 2010 and phrase them in such a way that you do not lose sight of the fact that they are not personal interpretations for you, but general observations of potentials.
- Vic DiCara
Weekend Horoscopes ~ April 30 to May 2, 2010
TAURUS ~ Matters of the heart continue to be a hot topic, especially in your head. You may be wondering about expectations -- yours, your partner's and your future. Luckily, the Sagittarius-Moon is here to lighten moods. As she cruises through your house of sex, physical intimacy becomes the preferred form of non-verbal communication.
GEMINI ~ The Moon lights up your relationships house. Coupled or single Geminis, the planet of love is still in your sign so get out there and snag yourself a good time with your sweetheart, BFFs or a potential love. Friday night, the Moon aligns with Mars in your house of thought, prepare to get even more charming and witty. You'll be sure to blow people's minds :)
CANCER ~ It's easy to get caught up in “busy” work. Make time for yourself. Something you perceive as being 'off' requires your attention now. Communicate with your loved one or whomever the situation involves. Resolve issues. Gain the mental satisfaction you need. Avoid the blame game or ultimatums. Approach everything with the goal of finding resolution.
LEO ~ Escape in the arms of your beloved this weekend as the Sagittarius-Moon brightens up your house of love, so spend the weekend together in the Sun or under the moonlight or indoors snuggled by the TV. Single Leos, Mars, the planet of action, remains in your sign for that extra dose of confidence you might need as you go out and search for your Mr./Ms. Right (Now).
VIRGO ~ Although you normally take the practical, reasonable route, this weekend, your emotions may get the better of you. The Moon's link Jupiter on Saturday touches upon your relationships house. A little (or a lot of) romance with your honey is just the perfect way to celebrate the weekend.
LIBRA ~ Too much thinking, talking and not enough doing? Do something, anything. A step in any direction gets you unstuck. Your loved one may not understand. It's ok. Assure him/her that their love and support is more than enough to carry you through the fog of uncertainty. Then, enjoy an engaging weekend of sharing, caring, loving banter & 'sexy time' with your sweetie.
SCORPIO ~ Saturday night is perfect for some sexy, couple time with your sweetie as the Sagittarius-Moon link up with Jupiter and stimulates your house of love. Elsewhere in the sky, Saturn and Neptune may pull you into whatever drama is going on with family or friends. You may be called upon to mediate.
SAGITTARIUS ~ Cheers to another weekend with the Moon in your sign, giving you the license to party all weekend :) So cast worries away. Grab your sweetie and/or besties for some well-deserved fun. Just try and not get in too much trouble.
CAPRICORN ~ Sometimes it's in the quiet, familiar moments spent together that the weight of love shared between two people can be seen so obviously that it's almost tangible. Reconnect with your sweetie in the simplest but sincerest and most thoughtful ways. Holding hands. Cuddling while watching TV or a movie. Random, sweet, stolen kisses.
AQUARIUS ~ Get out there this weekend and shake off the week's happenings in the company of your love or friends. A little escape to clear your head will do you well. What better way to restore personal stability than to surround yourself with the trusted people in your life?!
PISCES ~ Saturn has returned to stir things up in your relationships house by obnoxiously annoying your ruler, Neptune, this weekend. It's time to lay everything out on the table. Make confessions or ferret out whatever may have been kept secret from you (intentionally or otherwise). Say what you need to say. Ask the questions burning in your heart.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Vedic Astrology - Wealth and Poverty
The “House of Wealth” [2nd House] reveals all sources of supportive things, such as wealth, money, food & nutrition, and family. Conversely it reveals snares, enemies, and causes of death.
The Second House is physically below the First House in the sky. The First House is the constellation around the Eastern horizon, and the Second House is the constellation just below the Eastern horizon, next to rise. Just like a tall building must have a strong foundation just beneath it, our First House cannot flourish without the foundation of a strong Second House.
The First House is our physical body and tangible, practical life. These things can not be strong for us unless we have “wealth.” This is why the author, Parashara, names the Second House the “House of Wealth” (dhana-sthaana). Our physical, practical life cannot stand tall without a strong and stable foundation of wealth (dhana).
What is “wealth”?
Silver, gold, diamonds and pearls (dhaatu-ratnaadikam sarvam) are certainly wealth, yes. If we have ample money, our practical life becomes easy and enjoyable.
But the sage author names these last of all, signifying that they are the least important type of wealth. The most important type of wealth is health – which comes from good food and nutrition (dhaanya). With good food, our physical body becomes strong and healthy.
The next most important type of wealth is the support network we have in our family, and by extension our friends (kuTumba). Our family and friends are the strong foundation on which we can build our own lives.
If the Second House is weak, there is “poverty” and our physical body and tangible life suffers lack of support.
The worst sort of poverty is malnutrition, which leads to premature death (mrityu). The next most terrible poverty is a lack of family, resulting in our being surrounded by a network of enemies (amitra). Finally, there is simple financial poverty, which catches us in a sticky cobweb of rat-race snares (jAla).
In summary, the Second House reveals our wealth (the things which nourish, support, and strengthen us, like food, money and family). Weakness in this house conversely reveals our poverty (malnourishment & death, enemies and snares).
- Vic DiCara
Mercury Retrograde April - May 2010
A Mercury retrograde period is a difficult time to begin new projects linked to communication, networking, information-flow and travel. Extra caution is needed to ensure that messages are clearly understood and delivered; this often involves slowing things down and ensuring that compromises are not made for the sake of speed.
Mercury retrograde reminds us that efficiency is built upon stability, so think of it as a maintenance period, ideal for revisiting old problems that call for action but lay ignored. If communication problems exist, Mercury retrograde will bring them back to your attention. By taking time out to resolve them now you will be better equipped to make smooth progress in the future.
What happens during Mercury Retrograde?:
Since Mercury rules communication, it's said that everything goes haywire in that area -- emails get deleted or bounced back, mail is returned, calls go out into the ethers, etc. Some people find that their computers go on the fritz or phone lines go down. I've never seen the hard data on this, so make your own observations. It does seem though that miscommunications abound during the retrograde period.
A Time-Out:
Mercury retrograde gives us time to catch up with ourselves, and to look back. Something from the past might return in a different form. This can mean people, ideas or buried insights that need to surface for you to move forward. Often it's felt as a contemplative time, depending on the sign, a chance to go over old ground again, to claim what you missed the first time.
Be Non-Committal:
There's a long-held belief that it's best to avoid making set plans during the Mercury Retrograde. This means being cautious about things like signing contracts, and forming partnerships and corporations. What gets put in writing at this time may turn out to need serious revising after Mercury goes direct. But since tying up loose ends is the domain of retrograde, this type of finalization might fly.
Can you repeat that?:
In our relationships, sometimes we gloss over things that pushed buttons at the time, but which we let slide. What seemed not worth the trouble may reveal itself as a major issue in need of our attention. The Mercury retrograde is a time for review, when the underlying patterns come to light.
Back to the Drawing Board:
Some dreams and goals get lost in the hectic rushing around of daily life. The Mercury Retrograde period can be a rich time of reflection on those longings. This makes it a time for the soul to ponder its destiny. You might look over old journals, review your creative work, muse on serendipities of the past that have pointed you toward your spirit's calling. It can make the retrograde period a time of solidifying a sense of your personal story and where you're headed.
What does it mean in each different sign?:
The Mercury retrograde is shaped by the sign through which it is cast. For example, a Mercury retrograde in Cancer turns the mind toward things like family, home and the invisible emotional bonds that connect us. On the other hand, a Mercury retrograde in Aquarius gives it a different spin, with a review of group dynamics, the larger human community, all from a detached perspective.
Making the Most of Mercury Retrograde:
Astrology is a tool that can make you aware of patterns, like those that come during a Mercury retrograde. Just observe and see what happens, and be open to the past returning for review. If it's coming back, there's likely something more to learn or release from it. You don't have to retreat to the zen monastery, but a little solitude and quiet reflection never hurt anybody.
Weekly Horoscopes ~ April 26 to May 2, 2010
It's a week of tension and intensity as we begin to break away from our perceived realities and see the truth hidden behind the lies, beneath the surface, or locked away deep in our own psyche. Saturn (structure) and Uranus (radical change) oppose each other, just as the Moon waxes to full in Scorpio and opposes Mercury (thought), who is currently retrograde (introspective). There is no more hiding from the truth. Acceptance upon being awakened is key even if reality is too harsh or too difficult to swallow. Only through acceptance can we begin to remove the veil that obstructs our view from seeing the possibilities of what lies ahead. It's time to shed the old (Saturn), replace it with the new (Uranus) by purging (Scorpio-Full Moon) old ways of thinking (Mercury). A change is coming.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Virgo ? The Virgin? Origin of Zodiac Symbols
The real fact is that the ancient seers connected the dots in the ways that they did simply as a mnemonic tool to help people understand the nature of the energies that existed within that area of the stars. Virgo, for example, is the root of the word “virgin.” Whatever you think of the word, the original meaning is “unmarried.”
Virgo, means “unmarried woman.”
Why this symbolism for this part of the sky?
Virgo belongs to Mercury. It is the only sign in the entire zodiac whose ruling planet is exalted in it. When Virgo rises, it is the 1st House. This means that it is the only sign whose ruler is exalted in the 1st House. The first house is the house of self. This tells you that Virgo’s can derive strength from themselves. They must rely on themselves.
The sign opposite to the exaltation sign is always the debilitation sign. So, since Mercury exalts in Virgo, it debilitates in Pisces. Now, Pisces is the 7th sign / 7th house from Virgo. The 7th house is the house of others – of partners, of spouse. Virgo’s ruler is strongest when in the house representing the self, but weakest in the house representing the partner or the spouse. Therefore the sign itself is predisposed towards being able to support herself, but not getting strength from her partner.
Individual’s born under Virgo will have this inherent trait amplified, muted, modified, etc. depending on where among the stars Virgo’s ruler (Mercury) was when the individual was born. And different modifications on these themes will manifest at different times during the individuals life, based on the planetary cycles and transits, But regardless, this inherent trait is at least a latent potential or underlying theme for all those born when Virgo rose in the East.
And how about this wheat and fire in the Virgin’s hands?
As you may remember from my other articles, planets have friendships and enmities with one another. There are two basic camps: the “authorities” and the “rebels.” Mercury, being an intellectual communicator, sides more with the rebels. The other rebels are Venus (the artist) and Saturn (the anti-authority).
Signs derive strength from their friends, and weakness from their enemies. Saturn, being a friend to Mercury, is inherently a friend of those born under Mercury’s signs. Virgo is one of these signs.
Saturn owns Capricorn and Aquarius. These are the 5th and 6th signs / houses from Virgo. This means that Virgo gets friendly energy from a combination of the 5th and 6th houses (The 6th house is the more predominant of the two, since Virgo is the 6th sign of the zodiac). So Virgo’s intellect (5th House) is used to serve others (6th house), especially to help them with health issues, or dealing with overcoming their obstacles in life (health and obstacles being the major significations of the 6th house).
Virgo’s other friend is Venus, who owns Libra and Taurus – these being the 2nd and 9th signs / houses from Virgo. So Virgo gets more positive energy from this direction. The 2nd House is about things which support us in a physical and practical sense. The 9th House is about morality. Virgo gets these two combining in a positive way for her. Therefore she is interested in morals and ethics mainly in so far as they are very practical and actually support the real and tangible needs of people and herself.
- Vic DiCara
Written by Vic DiCara. For more articles on Spiritual, Astrology or Holistic Topics please visit - membership is free!
Self-Realization in the Ecstasy of Divine Love
Because we have placed our egos, our souls, into an unnatural environment.
The main effort of Eastern Culture, rooted in Ancient India, is to deal with this crucial situation of human existence. To figure out how to place our egos/identities/souls into its natural environment so that there is no block or limitation working against what we all inherently and deeply know is our natural birthright of happiness, peace, satisfaction, joy, and even ecstacy.
“Yoga” is the broad title given to the various attempts and paths Eastern civilization has discovered or invented for this purpose. The very word means to link and combine. All types of yogas attempts to link up our selves back to our original and natural environment.
The yogas discovered and established in ancient India are progressive by their very nature. They are also individualised and personal by nature – as opposed to the experience of “religion” primarily as a social and organized phenomena in the West. One yoga progresses into the next. First of all there is physical yoga to make the body healthy and free of obstruction. Then there is mental yoga, so that the mind, now not needing to worry about the health of the body, can become free from distraction and diversion. Then there is transcendental yoga where the empowered mind is put to contemplation upon transcendental subject matter. This category of yogas progresses from simple contemplations of nature (the mental level), to highly intellectual logical gymnastics on metaphysical subjects (the intellectual level), and finally to dealing directly with the soul itself, directly with the feelings and emotions of our very “heart.”
This pinnacle of yogas is called Bhakti-Yoga. It is the path of re-linking with our natural spiritual environment by way of our heart, feelings, and emotions.
Of all paths of Bhakti-Yoga, that which focuses on the being named Sri Krishna is the deepest evolution because by definition this being is supremely capable of reciprocating emotions and feelings.
This is how our guide Sri Rupa Goswami described the effects of pure devotion to Krishna.
klesh-aghni shubhada,
moksha-laghuta-krit, sudurlabha
sri krishna karshini ca sa.
First of all, when you start to practice it, anguish will subside (klesh-aghni). And as the suffering of karma subsides, auspiciousness shall arise (shubhada). So the first side effect of even beginning to practice krishna-bhakti is that bad karmas will evaporate and good karmas will fructify.
The more sincerely and deeply you practice Krishna-bhakti the more these traits will become noticeable and overwhelming.
What is Krishna-bhakti? It is the yoga of reconnecting your very spiritual self to the supreme reservoir of bliss – Sri Krishna. This connection is made at first by the practice of doing things solely and wholly for the sake of pleasing the reservoir of pleasure, Sri Krishna. The less we have self-oriented motivations in our practice, the more we simply want to become a wave in the ocean of spiritual bliss within the reservoir of Sri Krishna, simply adding to the divine ecstasy – to that extent our practice is more “pure” and will produce more marked and tangible results.
Once you practice bhakti with this type of purity, you will become “perfect” – this means that you will no longer “practice” love of Godhead, it instead becomes awakened as an intrinsic part of your very core ego and spiritual identity, your soul, your “bhava.” This stage of bhakti (divine love) is very, very, very uncommon in the material world (su-dur-labha). And one who attains this uncommon state of enlightenment feels that even “enlightenment” and “liberation” are trivial things in comparison.
Once pure bhakti for Krishna has awakened it’s root in your very being, it will gradually blossom. When it fully blossoms it is called Prema. The pure bliss and ecstasy experienced by the blossoming of prema drenches your soul completely in a singularity of infinitely compressed and intensified joy. The concentrated fragrance of the flower of Prema attracts Krishna Himself to come searching for YOU.
- Vic DiCara
Written by Vic DiCara. For more articles on Spiritual, Astrology or Holistic Topics please visit - membership is free!
The Mayan “long-cycle” ends on this date. It is a reflection of the older Vedic galactic calendar which divides history into 4 yugas or Epochs. The first Epoch lasts 4,000 years, the second lasts 3,000, the third lasts 2,000 and the fourth lasts 1,000 years. This creates a total of 10,000 years. Add in the transitional period of 10% of the duration of the Epoch on both the beginning and the end of the epoch and you have
Epoch 1 (“Satya”) = 4,800 years
Epoch 2 (“Treta”) = 3,600 years
Epoch 3 (“Dvapar”) = 2,400 years
Epoch 4 (“Kali”) = 1,200 years
The sum of these 4 epochs = 12,000 years – which is the time it takes the north pole to move from Polaris to Vega (to drift it’s full amount).
When Epoch 4 finishes, the order reverses, this Epoch 4 again starts and moves upwards this time, next coming to Epoch 3, then 2, then 1. And than again the order reverses and repeats.
Note to the learned: These are the manushya-yuga or “humanly ages” – the celestials experiece these on a scale that is exactly 360 longer (thus from their point of view, Kali Yuga lasts for 432,000 years)
Next you have seasonal issues – 12/21 is the winter solstice, the shortest / longest day of the year (depending on if you are in the northern or southern hemisphere). Thus the position of the sun is of particular importance on that day.
on 12/21/2012 the sun will be conjunct the center of the galaxy (a star or black hole called Sagittarius A). This “star” is supposed to be 93 million miles in diameter (the same dimension as the distance of the earth to the sun) it is a black hole 26,000 light years from earth. Many astrologer consider this “galactic center” to be the ultimate source of all the karmic power and authority given to the astrological planets.
When the Sun conjoins this point on a soltice it signifies monumental effects. The last time this happened about 12,500 years ago – which might have been when the quasi-mythological Atlantis was flooded and lost. This is because 12,500 years ago marked the end of the 1st Epoch and the beginning of Humankind’s descent into darkness. Atlantis was lost and human culture gradually fell to pieces.
The nadir of human culture was felt in the the middle of the two Kali Epochs (4) – this was the midst of the dark ages.
At this point we as a human culture began climbing back out of the darkness, rebuilding towards a new flourishing of humanity. This ascent of humanity proceeds over the next 12,000 years gradually. 12/21/2012 is a significant milestone marker. Whether this milestone is marked loudly or quietly remains to be seen. (for more info see my blog post)
Personally, I believe that both America and Christianity (The Kali Epoch’s equivalent of “Atlantis”) will begin an irreversible decline significantly marked at 12/21/2012. And within a few decades or maybe centuries both of them will be lost and forgotten. This will be a good thing for humanity in the long run – but during the transition there will be grief.
We have to keep ourselves aware that the time scale we are dealing with is HUGE. 12,500 years is a LONG TIME. So basically 2012 is happening ALREADY give or take a few years (which is nothing but a moment in comparison to 12,500 years). If you want to see what is going to happen “On 2012″ – look around you today. Sure enough we see a global environmental crisis and a very strong global economic crisis centered on America. It’s not really a “prediction” anymore or a subject of debate, it’s something already happening. The debate is about how far it will go. And I am inclined to say “all the way.”
- Vic DiCara
Written by Vic DiCara. For more articles on Spiritual, Astrology or Holistic Topics please visit - membership is free!